Finding an effective advertsing solution is easier than you think. Do you have a website or business that may be of interest to visitors to our site? If yes, then check out our great advertising opportunities that help to support this site.
Banner Ads
We offer a full range of banner ad placement on our website. We can run skyscraper, buttons, or standard 486x60 banners. Check our prices below.
News Letter Ads
Current subscriber base: 2075. Everyone knows advertising by email is the most effective means of reaching your target audience. Now you can put your product or service in front of our faithful newsletter subscribers for pennies per email. Check out our rates and then order your ads today.
If ordering a banner ad campaign, please send please send your banner image URL and click through URL to after making payment.
If ordering a newsletter ad campaign, please send please send your banner text to after making payment.
Newsletter Top Sponsor: 5 lines 60 characters per line plus URL $7.99 |
Paypal |
Storm Pay |
E-Gold |
Newsletter Middle Sponsor: 3 lines 60 characters per line plus URL $5.99 |
Paypal |
Storm Pay |
E-Gold |
Newsletter Top Sponsor: 3 lines 60 characters per line plus URL $2.99 |
Paypal |
Storm Pay |
E-Gold |
Standard Banner 486x60: One month unlimited rotation $4.99 |
Paypal |
Storm Pay |
E-Gold |
Skyscraper Banner 120x600: One month unlimited rotation $5.99 |
Paypal |
Storm Pay |
E-Gold |
Button Banner 125x125: One month unlimited rotation $3.99 |
Paypal |
Storm Pay |
E-Gold |
| | |